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Do Teeth Move as You Age? Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry • Apr 28, 2023

If parts of you change throughout the years, do teeth move as you age, too? The answer's yes. Check out the reasons why, together with your dentist's advice.

do teeth move as you age

Do you get the sense that you might have teeth shifting in your mouth right now and impacting the appearance of your smile? If so, you should know that this is actually very common.

The answer to the question, "Do teeth move as you age?", is "yes." But at the same time, not everyone is going to find that their teeth will shift as much as other people's teeth do.

So, what causes teeth to shift as you age? What can you do to stop or, at the very least, minimize it from happening? And who can you trust to work on your teeth if they're shifting?

We're going to answer each of these questions below so that you can hopefully stop teeth from shifting and causing complications for you.

Do Teeth Move As You Age?

Once you reach a certain age, you might be under the impression that your teeth will stay put in your mouth. But as we just alluded to, this isn't true. You might be surprised to hear it, but the answer to the question, "Do teeth move as you age?", is always in the affirmative.

That being said, it's worth noting that not everyone is going to notice their teeth shifting over time. They might shift such a small amount that you won't even see it, or in some instances, your teeth might not shift at all.

But if you're finding that it seems like your teeth are moving around on you, that could be because they are. The next thing you'll want to do is try to answer the question, "Why are my teeth moving?"

What Causes Teeth to Shift?

If you sense that some of your teeth might be shifting and moving around, you should attempt to get to the root cause of it. There are quite a few things that can lead to your teeth moving on you if you're not careful.

First and foremost, you might find that your teeth will move if you ever lose a tooth or have a tooth removed. This is one of the most common causes of teeth shifting. And because more than 100 million American adults currently have at least one tooth missing, you can see why it isn't out of the ordinary at all for people to notice their teeth shifting.

A missing tooth isn't the only thing that can cause your teeth to move, though. You might also find that your teeth will shift if:

  • Your jawbone grows dramatically as you get older, which is something that happens to many people
  • You get diagnosed with gum disease, which can weaken your gums and allow teeth to move around
  • You grind your teeth all the time for one reason or another, which can lead to tooth movement being one of the effects of teeth grinding
  • You suffer from sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP machine every night, which can result in your teeth shifting

As you can see, there is no shortage of things that can send aging teeth moving in one direction or another. Your teeth are going to be under almost constant attack and might start to move around on you because of it.

How Can You Stop Teeth From Shifting?

If you're already asking the question, "Why are my teeth moving?", you probably won't be able to reverse this movement on your own. But if you haven't noticed your teeth shifting too much yet, you should still be able to take some steps to keep your teeth in place.

Here are several things you can do to prevent your teeth from shifting:

  • Brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis to prevent gum disease and other oral health issues
  • Ask your dentist if they notice any signs of teeth grinding and try to address this issue with your dentist or your primary doctor
  • Replace any missing teeth you have with dental implants

Even if you do each of these things, you might still face the problem of your teeth shifting. If, for instance, your jawbone begins to grow more than it should as you age, you might not be able to stop your teeth from moving around.

But generally speaking, you should be able to make sure most of your teeth stay put by taking the aforementioned steps.

What Should You Do If You Have Teeth Shifting?

If things get to the point where you're noticing your teeth shifting, you might fear that there won't be anything you can do to correct the issue. But there are a few options you might have.

You'll want to look into the different cosmetic dentistry services that will be available to you. From wearing a retainer on your teeth to getting braces, you can find a solution to your teeth-shifting troubles.

You should speak with a dentist about what you should do and see what they have to say after evaluating your teeth.

Who Should You Call to Work On Shifting Teeth?

If you have teeth that are shifting in your mouth, you won't want to let just any old dentist work on them. Instead, you'll want to call on an experienced dentist in Brewster, NY to assist you with the right dental services.

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry is always here to help those with dental problems like shifting teeth. We can stop your teeth from moving and talk to you about how you might be able to put them back into place.

Contact Us to Help You Get Your Smile Back

You might not love the answer to the question, "Do teeth move as you age?" But dealing with aging teeth that are moving around is just something that some people have to address as they begin to get up there in age.

If you're struggling with teeth shifting, Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry would love to help you get your gorgeous smile back. We have all the cosmetic dentistry services you'll need to make your smile the way you want it again.

Reach out to us to schedule an appointment in our Brewster, NY office.

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