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Fixing a Missing Tooth: The Best Dental Procedures and Options

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry • Apr 05, 2021

A missing tooth can cause quite a lot of stress and anxiety. Luckily, there are dental procedures that can restore your smile (and confidence). Find out here!

missing tooth

If you have a missing tooth, it can cause you several issues. Firstly, it can affect your ability to bite and chew food, secondly, it can cause you to have issues with your oral health, and finally, it can ruin the confidence that you have in your smile. 

Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry has the solutions to your oral health problem and there are several dental procedures that you can have carried out that will restore the function and the look of your teeth. But what are these options?

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best procedures for missing teeth.


If you’re embarrassed by your missing teeth and are looking for a cheap and non-invasive way of replacing them, dentures may be a good option for you. 

There are two main types of dentures, partial and complete dentures. 

A partial or full denture is removable and can be worn during the daytime. This will replace one or more teeth. Occasionally, you may need a metal clasp to help keep your denture in position. 

This clasp can be visible at times meaning that people may notice it whenever you’re smiling or speaking. 

Because dentures are not permanently placed into position, they can move slightly whenever you’re chewing food. This can cause some discomfort. 

At night, you should take your dentures off to clean them. 

To find out more about whether dentures are the right option for you, get in touch with your dentist today. 

Dental Bridges

Getting a dental bridge placed is a great option for when you have good teeth on either side of your missing tooth. Bridges are fixed solutions that remain fixed to your mouth. They won’t come out once they’re in place. 

How Does the Dental Bridge Procedure Work?

Before having your dental bridges fitted, you’ll need to have the teeth on both sides of the gap cut down. Once you’ve had this done, you’ll be able to have caps cemented into place on top of the remaining part of the teeth. 

These caps that you’ll have cemented to your teeth will have a replacement tooth in the gap in the middle. 

A bridge is a useful way of restoring the function of your bite. They’ll provide a sturdier bite and more naturalistic look than dentures would. 

You can use a bridge to fill the gaps where at least one tooth is missing. To learn more about dental bridges, speak with your dentist today.

Dental Implants

If you’re looking for a more permanent solution for your oral health needs, a dental implant may be worth considering. Although the procedure is more complex and more expensive than many of the options, it is worthwhile. 

Let’s learn a little more about dental implants. 

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are perhaps one of the most common and the most effective ways of replacing missing or damaged teeth.

The way that dental implants work is that a small titanium screw is placed into your jawbone. On top of this, a dental crown will be placed. 

Dental implants restore the look and function of your teeth. Unlike with some of the other options for tooth replacement, dental implants are permanent and are fixed into your mouth. 

If you take good care of your dental implants, they will last you a lifetime. 

There are two main types of dental implant, endosteal implants, and subperiosteal implants. The major difference is how far the screw goes down. 

With endosteal implants, the screw goes right through the gums and into the jawbone itself. 

With subperiosteal implants, the screw goes down through the gums and sits just above the jawbone. 

How Does the Dental Implant Procedure Work?

The procedure itself will take several months to complete and it will be done in stages. Between each stage, your gums and jawbone will be given time to heal and grow. 

The first stage of the dental implant procedure is to have your damaged tooth removed if required. Once this is done and the mouth has healed from the extraction, it will be possible to drill down into the jawbone. 

If you don’t have sufficient bone density in your jaw, it may be necessary to carry out a bone graft. Where this is not possible, you may be a suitable candidate for subperiosteal implants. 

If you require a bone graft, you will need to wait several months for this to heal. Once it has healed, the dentist will be able to drill into your jaw. 

Again, there will be a healing time between this stage of the procedure and the next.

The titanium screw will then be placed into position. Once placed, you’ll need to wait for your jaws and gums to heal around the implant. Once this has healed, you’ll be ready to have your crown placed. 

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are suitable for anyone who has good oral and general health. You will need to be a non-smoker, or be willing to give up smoking. 

To learn more about dental implants, speak with your dentist.

Fixing a Missing Tooth

A missing tooth can be embarrassing, but it can also affect how effective your bite is. Fortunately, there are plenty of options for replacement teeth. From dentures through to dental implants, you needn’t worry about the gap in your mouth any longer. 

To learn more about the replacement tooth options that we offer, contact us today.

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