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How to Prevent Gum Diseases: 5 Simple Steps for Protecting Your Gums and Teeth

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry • May 03, 2019

How to Prevent Gum Diseases from Taking Hold

Are you at high risk for gum disease? You can slow it down and even heal it simply. Here's how to prevent gum diseases in only a few steps.

how to prevent gum diseases


If you're interested in managing your dental health, it's important that you also get a handle on taking care of your gums.


Learning how to prevent gum diseases will allow you to stave off some serious dental issues. It's important that you learn all about the dangers and risks of gum disease, in addition to ways you can prevent it.


This article will give you the tools to get started. Read on so that you can learn more and take action.


What are the Dangers and Risks of Gum Disease?


Gum disease is much bigger than just a dental problem. Your health is holistic, so you need to understand the many different ways that gum disease can be harmful to you.


New studies even indicate that gum disease can put you at risk for Alzheimer's disease. Since Alzheimer's greatly affects your quality of life well into your golden years, it's best to stay on top of gum disease issues now.


It can also make it incredibly difficult for you to eat with any sort of comfort. When you have to deal with both pain and soreness, and the prospect of your gums bleeding, your digestive system and nutrition can be affected.


You also increase the likelihood that you'll experience cavities and other painful dental issues when you are dealing with periodontal disease.


How to Prevent Gum Diseases


It's also important that you learn the tips that will help you prevent gum disease altogether. These five tips will be helpful so that you never have to worry about gum disease problems getting you down.


1. Brush and Floss Every Day -- Period


Taking the time each day to brush and floss is incredibly important. While this is the very basis of dental care, many people still miss the boat on doing it with consistency.


While most people brush daily, it's easy to go to bed without remembering to brush before bed. What's more, many people that brush don't floss with any sort of regularity.


In fact, just 40 percent of people floss every day, and 20 percent of people say that they never floss. Flossing might seem optional, but this is far from the case.


Food particles easily become wedged between your teeth and compacted into your gums. This will cause food to decay and create infections in your gums, in areas that are difficult to reach.


2. Visit Your Dentist Regularly


Aside from your own dental care , you need to get help from oral health professionals.


Dentists recommend that you see them twice each year. By going to the dentist twice per year, it's easier for you to avoid gum disease and the symptoms that come with it.


You'll need to be sure that you also have dental insurance that you can call upon to pay for your service. Even if you are only getting checkups and aren't getting any sort of extensive dental work, you'll be in good hands when you do so with consistency.


3. Make Sure That Your Diet is Conducive to Periodontal Health


Staying ahead of the game with your diet will also help protect you from gum disease. As with any other part of your health, you need to eat a balanced diet that can offer you lots of much-needed building blocks.


There are several foods that are flat-out great for your gum health and the ability to prevent gum disease. Some of these foods include hemp and chia seeds , nuts, broccoli, and shiitake mushrooms.


Protecting your health and digestive track prevents bad bacteria from breeding. When you eat healthily, you'll have great gut bacteria, which also affects your saliva bacteria.


Drinking smoothies every day is half the battle for having nutritional health, which helps every part of your health.


4. Find a Nice Mouthwash or Rinse


It's important to also regularly rinse your mouth.


If you simply let saliva and bacteria stand in your mouth, you are more likely to get infected gums. Instead, buy a great mouthwash or mouth rinse that can help you get rid of this bacteria.


Using this sort of rinse, on top of brushing and flossing regularly, keeps you ahead of the game with your gum health.


5. Drink Plenty of Water


There's no better rinse for your gums than nature's own -- water.


When you stay hydrated, your mouth will naturally produce the right amount of saliva. This is great for your gums and will help you avoid gum disease and infection.


Make sure that you're filling up a water bottle and drinking from it every day so that you can make sure you're cleaning your mouth and protecting your oral health.


Nip Gum Disease in the Bud


Now that you know how to prevent gum diseases, it's up to you to take action.


If you follow these tips, you're able to avoid gum disease and everything that comes with it. This is a daily devotion to your health that will help you year after year.


One of the most important steps of this process is to find a dentist that can help you. A dental professional will assist you with regular checkups and extensive care that helps prevent gum disease. They can also help you with procedures to reverse the effects of gum disease.


Start with these points and make sure that beating gum disease is a priority in your life.


Keep up with our content to learn more about dental health and protecting your smile. If you'd like further help, contact us to schedule an appointment!


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