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5 Easy Flossing Tips to Improve Your Smile

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry • Oct 15, 2021

Flossing can be a tedious task, but it can make an impact on your dental care. We look at some of the top flossing tips from the best dentist, Brewster NY.

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Did you know that only about a third of people living in the United States floss every day? Furthermore, 37% of people only floss sometimes and 32% say that they never floss.

Most people that don't floss say that it hurts, causes bleeding, or doesn't work for them. But, there are ways around these complaints.

You could be flossing the wrong way or doing it too hard. You may be doing it too often or not often enough. You could even be flossing at the wrong time of day.

To learn more about flossing from the best dentist in Brewster, NY, keep reading.

1. Choose the Right Kind of Floss

There are so many different kinds of floss to choose from. Between the flossing material, its coating, and its delivery method, you have plenty of flosses to try.

First, you should decide whether you want to use traditional floss, a floss pick, a water flossing pick, or something else. You may have to try different kinds of flossing techniques to discover the one that you like.

Traditional floss is easier for people who already have their flossing technique and routine down. It gives more flexibility in movement, too.

Floss picks are great for children who are learning how to floss on their own. However, it's also great for adults who want an easier way to floss without having to worry about following a specific technique. Floss picks are already designed with the right technique in mind.

Water flossing is great for people who have a hard time flossing with string. This may include people who have tight teeth, braces, or some other hindrance.

You should also consider the material of floss that you want to use.

Nylon floss is the most economical and popular. However, some people have trouble moving nylon floss in between their teeth.

You may want to try PTFE floss if nylon floss tears because PTFE floss is shred-resistant. 

If you're looking for something environmentally friendly, silk floss is a great choice.

Lastly, you need to decide if you want coated or non-coated floss. People who have a hard time getting floss between their teeth tend to opt for coated options because it glides easier than non-coated floss.

2. Perform the Right Flossing Technique

Despite education from a dentist in the area, you may not know the right way to floss. It's hard to remember all of the steps, tips, and tricks that the dentist gives you in the office.

If you're using traditional floss, you need to know how to hold and move the floss.

First, you should take a strand of floss that's about 15 inches long. Wrap it around your index finger. Then, use the thumb from the opposite hand to guide the strand to different areas of your mouth.

Press the floss in between your teeth slowly and gently. Don't snap or force it in between your teeth or this could cause bleeding.

Then, glide the floss up and down the sides of each tooth and into the space between the tooth and gum on either side.

Remember, be gentle as you're flossing. You could cause more harm than good if you floss too harshly.

3. Use Fresh Floss With Every Stroke

Many people use the same section of floss as they move from tooth to tooth. While using the same section a couple of times is okay, you shouldn't be using the same section for your entire mouth.

As you move from area to area, you should be using fresh floss. Otherwise, you're just spreading germs and food debris everywhere.

4. Floss Every Time You Brush Your Teeth

A good rule of thumb is to floss every time that you brush your teeth. Brushing may get some of the food debris off of your teeth, but flossing is meant to finish the job.

Hopefully, you're brushing your teeth twice a day: in the morning and at night. If so, you should be flossing your teeth after brushing in the morning and at night.

The combination of brushing and flossing each morning and night will ensure that you have a fresh mouth before starting your day and before going to sleep at night.

As you follow this routine, you'll start to notice a great improvement in your gum health as well as the condition of your teeth.

It's likely that your dentist will notice, too!

5. Be Consistent With Your Flossing Routine

Our last tip is that you have to be consistent with your flossing routine. Without consistency, you won't see the improvement that you're trying to make in your teeth and gum health.

Flossing isn't just for those times that you get something stuck in your teeth. It should be a regular part of your mouth-cleaning routine. 

In fact, flossing is even more important than brushing your teeth. Although, you should do both together.

If you're having trouble remembering to floss, keep your floss of choice with your toothbrush and toothpaste. This will serve as a visual reminder every single day (twice a day). 

Alternatively, you could set a reminder or make an alarm. If you have a consistent sleeping and waking routine, you could set specific times to brush and floss every day of the week and weekend.

All in all, you should do your best to keep flossing and brushing regularly. Even if you don't feel something in between your teeth, there's debris there that's building up and causing plaque settlement.

Make an Appointment With the Best Dentist in Brewster, NY

Forget about having to search "dental office near me" or "dentist near me." Finding that "dentist around me" has never been easier.

If you live in Brewster, NY and you're trying to find a dentist in the area, look no further than our dental team at Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry.

We're the best dentist in Brewster, NY. And, we can help you determine whether your flossing and brushing routines are paying off.

The dental office in Brewster, NY is full of dental experts. Get started with the dentist in 10509 today by making an appointment.

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