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Top Tips for Sore Teeth. What You Can Do at Home for a Sore Tooth

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry • Sep 26, 2021

If you have sore teeth you need to book an appointment with a dentist in Brewster NY. Read our tips about pain relief while you wait for your appointment.

Dentist in Brewster NY

Is a sore tooth giving you sleepless nights?

You need to see a dentist ASAP!

Toothache can cause oral pain, infections, and missing teeth can influence how you talk, socialize and eat. They can affect your quality of life mentally, physically, and socially.

The good news is that there are several measures you can take to relieve toothache while you wait to visit your dentist in Brewster, NY. But first, let’s take a look at why your teeth are sore.

What’s Causing Your Toothache?

Toothache can be caused by a range of things. Some of the most common factors include:


Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of tooth decay. It occurs when poor oral hygiene allows plaque to form on teeth. Bacteria feed on the plaque and produce acid, causing the teeth to decay.

Sensitive Teeth

Some people have a thin layer of enamel protecting their teeth. If the teeth are exposed, consuming hot or cold food and drinks might trigger a toothache.

Wisdom Teeth

There isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth to grow properly and as such, they often grow at an angle that presses against other teeth. An impacted wisdom tooth can become a site for infection, leading to a toothache.

Orthodontic Devices

Retainers, braces, and other orthodontic devices have been known to cause temporary aching sensations. This is particularly true if you are new to them or recently adjusted.

Oral Abscess

This is a pocket of pus caused by an infection, which can spread if the infected tissue isn’t removed.


Conditions like dental gingivitis occur when an accumulation of plaque and tartar irritates the gums, causing them to become inflamed. It’s often mistaken for a toothache when the inflammation occurs too close to a tooth.


This is a condition where patients continually grind their teeth, especially at night. This leaves them feeling tender or sore with time.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth

This can expose the nerve endings in your teeth, causing them to ache.

Missing or Damaged Fillings

Regular visits to your local dentist in Brewster, NY are the best way to maintain your fillings and avoid infections and/or toothaches.

Tips to Relieve Your Tooth Pain

While you’re waiting for your appointment at the dental office in Brewster, NY, you can take the following measures to reduce the pain.

Over-the-Counter Medication

Taking an over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help reduce the pain and inflammation for mild to moderate toothaches. Always stick to the recommended dosage on the packaging. Visit your dentist as soon as possible to address the true cause of the pain.

Cold Compress

A cold compress can relieve any pain you’re feeling, including trauma caused by an aching tooth.

Applying a cold compress causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing the pain. It can also reduce inflammation and swelling. Wrap a bag of ice with a towel and hold it over the affected area for about 15-20 minutes. Repeat the process every few hours.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

A scientific study found that rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide reduces plaque and alleviates symptoms of periodontitis. To use this remedy, always dilute food-grade hydrogen peroxide with equal parts. Swish the solution in your mouth and spit it out. We DON’T recommend this remedy for kids as they swallow the mixture.

Warm Salt Water

Rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater can promote temporary relief from pain and clean any infection you may have. It also helps remove any debris or food particles stuck in the teeth and gums.

You can combine it with flossing for effective treatment until you visit a recommended dentist in Brewster, NY.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is generally considered safe and has mild numbing properties that can ease oral pain temporarily. It also contains antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which can help prevent infections.

Try sucking on peppermint tea bags or swishing peppermint tea. Some people like sticking the tea bags in the freezer for a few minutes before use or applying a bag while still warm then waiting for it to cool.


It has powerful antioxidant and antibacterial properties that can provide relief from toothaches. Dab a few drops of thyme essential oils onto a cotton ball and dilute it with a few drops of water.

Apply to the affected area for pain relief. You can also add the thyme oil to water to make a homemade mouthwash.


Garlic has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. It kills potentially bacteria and also serves as a pain reliever.

Crush some garlic into a paste then apply it to the toothache area. If you don’t mind the taste, chew a clove or two and spit it later.

Clove Oil

Used to treat dental pain for thousands of years, clove oil can numb oral pain and reduce inflammation. Eugenol, a natural antiseptic found in clove oil, helps sterilize any oral wounds you may have.

Apply some of the oil onto a cotton ball and dab it on the affected tooth. Alternatively, add a few drops of carrier oil or water if it seems too potent.


Got any alcohol at home? Alcohol has numbing qualities and when it comes to a toothache, bourbon or whiskey is probably your best bet. Dab a little bit on a cotton ball and cover the affected tooth. It won’t provide lasting relief, but it sure beats using hydrogen peroxide.

Guava Leaves

They have antibacterial properties that help reduce inflammation and swelling. Wash fresh guava leaves and chew on them, or use as a mouthwash for temporary pain relief.

Visit the Best Dentist in Brewster, NY

Tooth pain can be an indication of a more serious problem that should be addressed appropriately. If you are looking online for a “dentist near me,” look no further.

Book an appointment online. Our experienced dentist in Brewster, NY will examine your condition to determine the cause of your toothache and prescribe a cure that lasts.

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