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8 Advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry • Feb 01, 2021

There's a big difference between DIY teeth whitening and getting teeth whitened by a dentist. See 8 advantages of professional teeth whitening.

teeth whitening

You're having a good hard look in the mirror. If you're being totally honest with yourself, you have to admit that those teeth of yours aren't the pearly whites they once were. In fact, they're kind of grey.

And those stains? Where did they come from?

That's it, you say, it's time to grab some of those do-it-yourself teeth whitening treatments you've seen advertised everywhere. It will be cheaper than getting a professional teeth whitening treatment. And it will save you time because you won't have to go to the dentist.

Your teeth will be as good as new in no time...right?

Well, maybe not. The over-the-counter teeth whitening industry has become huge in recent years because people want perfect smiles and they also want convenience.

Unfortunately, convenience doesn't always equal quality. And when we're talking about something as important as your teeth, it's vital to understand the difference between DIY teeth whitening and getting your teeth whitened by a professional.

Here are eight advantages of professional teeth whitening that you should think about before opening that packet.

1. It's Actually Faster Than Doing It Yourself

You might think that grabbing a pack off the shelf and doing your own teeth whitening job at home will save you time. No calling to make an appointment. No travel to the dentist. No sitting in the waiting room.

But most DIY procedures require you to fiddle around with gels and teeth trays for days, even weeks. If you go to the dentist for your teeth whitening procedure, you can be walking out their door with beautiful white teeth in about an hour.

2. Your Dentist Will Give You a Personalized Treatment

When you buy an over-the-counter teeth whitening kit, you're buying a one-size-fits-all treatment. You've probably noticed that we all have different teeth, so a kit can't possibly be an exact fit for your mouth.

Your dentist will design your treatment to be exactly right for you. Not only will this be more comfortable (no trying to fit an ill-fitting tooth tray around your teeth), but it will produce much better results as each tooth will receive the perfect amount of treatment.

3. Professional Teeth Whitening is Cost-Effective

That doesn't make sense, does it? DIY packs are cheaper than going to the dentist, aren't they?

Well, maybe. But think about these things. Dentists can use much stronger whitening agents than the do-it-yourself packs contain. Not only does this mean your teeth look whiter, but the whiteness lasts a lot longer.

So when you add up the cost of multiple DIY packs, a professional teeth whitening treatment is actually kinder on your budget.

Also, there's the added bonus that while you're at the dentist getting your teeth whitened, they can pick up on any problems that your teeth might have while they're still at an early stage. If these issues go unnoticed, it can not only cause pain down the track but can also turn out to be very expensive.

4. Improved Oral Health Can Improve Your Health in General

After you take the time to get professional teeth whitening treatment from your dentist, you will find that you want to take better care of your new and improved teeth.

You'll think a little bit more about your brushing and flossing routine because you feel so much better about yourself when your teeth are looking their best.

Not only will this improvement in your oral hygiene routine help keep your teeth whiter for longer, but it will also have flow-on effects on your overall health.

Poor oral health, like gum disease, has been linked to several diseases as scientists believe that bacteria from plaque can get into your bloodstream. Cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, and cancer have all been linked to gum disease. So treating your teeth with care is a wonderful investment in your health and happiness.

5. Professional Teeth Whitening Removes the Stains That DIY's Can Not

Coffee, wine, cigarettes, sodas. Most of us are guilty of indulging in at least one of these teeth-staining bad boys. Over the years, they can lead to deep staining. Even prescription medicines can cause the yellowing of your teeth.

Your dentist can use stronger treatments than those found in packet kits, so they are much more effective at removing stains that have built up over the years. The result is a much brighter smile.

6. You Can Be Assured of Great Results

Buy a DIY teeth whitening kit, religiously apply the fiddly gels and deal with uncomfortable mouth trays for days and days. And in the end? You're kind of disappointed with the results.

See your dentist for professional teeth whitening? Be guaranteed the results that have you grinning. 

7. Professional Teeth Whitening Will Prevent Uneven Whitening

DIY kits do not change the color of crowns or veneers. So if you have these, you're very likely to end up with mismatching teeth if you try to whiten them yourself. Your dentist can make sure that this doesn't happen.

8. It is Much Safer to Trust Your Teeth to a Professional

Have you seen the news reports about DIY teeth whitening jobs that have gone wrong? At-home kits are actually capable of causing serious damage to your gums and the enamel on your teeth.

We all know how important our smile is for our self-esteem, the last thing we want to do is hurt something so important to us.

And while you may not cause serious damage, there are plenty of unwanted side effects, like tooth sensitivity, that you probably want to avoid too.

So What Do You Think?

Are you still thinking of cracking open that DIY kit? Perhaps you realize that trusting your incredibly important teeth, gums, and smile to a dentist is the safest and most cost-effective way to get guaranteed great results.

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry is a dentist in Brewster, NY who can safely make your teeth up to 14 shades whiter with their professional teeth whitening service. Same-day appointments are often available, so why not book an appointment with them today.

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