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Do You Need to Replace Missing Teeth? An Overview of Dental Bridges and How They Can Help

Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry • Jun 09, 2021

Do you have missing teeth? If you need to replace missing teeth, you may be a candidate for dental bridges. Here's how a Brewster, NY cosmetic dentist can help.

brewster, ny cosmetic dentist

It's estimated that 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. The natural aging process can be a huge factor, but injury, illness, and infection are also likely causes. While missing teeth can happen to anyone, it doesn't mean it's something you want to want to live with for the rest of your life. 

One or several missing teeth can harm your health and take a toll on your self-esteem. You want to feel confident and get your smile back. 

But is it possible to replace missing teeth? Yes. You just need a professional Brewster, NY, cosmetic dentist to do it. 

Your options to replace missing teeth involve dentures, implant crowns, and dental bridges. In this post, we'll provide an overview of dental brides so you'll know exactly what to expect before you schedule your life-changing appointment. 

FAQs on Common Terms

Before we discuss dental bridges in-depth, we'll provide information on some of the common terminology used. Understanding the terminology is one way to help you feel at ease about what is happening inside your mouth. It also empowers you to feel confident in your choice to follow through with the procedure. 

What is a crown? Crowns are the caps on top of the damaged tooth or teeth. 

What is an abutment? The metal piece fixed into your crown.

What is a pontic? A pontic is an artificial tooth fixed to the dental bridge. They are made from a mix of materials like porcelain, gold, and alloys. 

What is an impression? An impression is a 3D replica of your teeth completed by X-ray or with a liquid material.

What Are Dental Bridges?

If you're wondering how to replace missing teeth, a dental bridge is the answer. When the abutment teeth on each side of the gap hold the pontic in place, that is the dental bridge. 

A dental bridge happens when a pontic is held in place by the abutment teeth that are remaining on each side of where the gap is. 

These dental bridges close the gap created by one or more missing teeth. You create the bridge with two or more crowns fixed on existing teeth to bring everything together.     

The Benefits They Provide 

Dental bridges are a permanent solution that replaces your missing teeth. They are a great option for patients who desire a secure remedy. They promote gum health and prevent the bone loss that can result in a sunken face look. 

Four Common Types of Dental Bridges 

A traditional bridge is the most common. It involves creating a crown on either side of the missing tooth with a pontic in between. The materials consist of porcelain and/or ceramics. 

Cantilever bridges are used when the patient has teeth on one side of the gap. The pontic connects to one abutment tooth to fix the issue.   

The Maryland Dental Bridge is another one of the options available to replace missing teeth. This is the main solution if you have missing front teeth. It is a framework made of porcelain fused with metal or ceramic teeth. 

The implant-supported bridge is similar to a traditional bridge. The difference is that the implants hold it in, it is not cemented in place. 

How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost? 

Many variants go into the price of dental bridges. This involves the number of teeth needed to fill the existing gap, the type of materials used, and the complexity of the placement. The average cost ranges from $1,500 to $5,000. 

Schedule a consultation to discuss your options. We will break down insurance coverage and help you set up a flexible payment plan. 

How Are the Dental Bridges Made?

The first step involves having impressions made of your teeth. The impressions allow your Brewster, NY, cosmetic dentist to create a bridge to fit into your mouth. How the bridge is created will depend on your specific need. 

You might require a bridge in the front of your mouth, or you could have teeth in the back of your mouth to replace. Our dentists will create a plan that is right for you. 

Common Questions After Installation

Sensitivity is a common concern after your appointment. Avoiding hot and cold food in the first few days is highly recommended. A toothpaste made for sensitive teeth is another great option. 

How Long Do They Last? 

A dental bridge is a great option that will last around five to seven years. You can extend the life of the bridge to a decade with good oral hygiene and regular professional cleanings.

Is It Difficult to Eat? 

Once your dental bridge is installed it may seem unfamiliar when you eat. Depending on how long you've lived with your missing teeth, this makes sense. Your body is able to adapt to changes and create a new normal for you. 

But your new normal will change once the dental bridge is complete. One of the main benefits is restoring the capability to chew. If you suffered from difficulty in eating before, a dental bridge will help you to enjoy the foods you love again. 

Will It Change How I Speak? 

The main benefit of dental bridges is their ability to restore your smile. Just the thought of a dental bridge installation may cause some anxiety. But the added benefits include restoring how you speak and helping your bite. 

The installation will assist you with returning to your maximal oral health. If any changes happen with your speech it will be because it has improved for the better.   

How Do I Properly Care for Them? 

One of the main ways to care for the dental bridge is to prevent future tooth decay and gum disease. To do this brush twice a day and floss, schedule regular professional cleanings, and eat a balanced diet. 

A Brewster, NY Cosmetic Dentist That Cares

Your journey to optimal oral health is just getting started. Bridge the gap and create the smile of your dreams with the Brewster, NY cosmetic dentist professionals at Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry.

If you're interested in learning more about missing teeth, read this article on how to fix missing teeth with dentures. 

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